Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Penzeys 4/S Seasoned Salt

At the end of the summer I cook a lot. I mean a lot like I've watched all 4 seasons on Battlestar Galactica (2004) in the past month while cooking. Part of it is because my CSA box is full to the brim. Partly it is because I am trying to preserve the last of the summer harvest. Also it is because the simple preparations of produce that tasted so great earlier in the summer are getting old to my family.

This summer I bought all three types of Penzeys 4/S Special Seasoned Salt, Spicy, Smokey, and Regular.
From the website:
4/S Special Seasoned Sea Salt
Pronounced "four, S"; our new Special Seasoned Sea Salt gives a great burst of flavor wherever salt is called for. Like other seasoned salts, 4S is great for steaks, burgers and chops, but since we have made the flavor lighter and brighter than your old seasoned salt, 4S is also outstanding for chicken, fish, veggies, salads and popcorn as well. Give it a try, and we think you'll agree 4 S = 100% delicious. Hand-mixed from: Coarse Sea Salt, Sugar, Special Extra Bold Black Pepper, Paprika, Onion, Turmeric, Garlic, Spice Extractives (including oleoresin of paprika, black pepper, celery, rosemary and thyme.)

The spicy has additional red pepper and the smokey has smoked paprika.

I've been adding this stuff to everything. My favorite is the smokey which is just sublime on popcorn or spiced nuts. Also I added some to guacamole and it gave such a depth to it we hardly had any left for our tacos because we ate it with carrot sticks while I was cooking.

Penzeys cost more than the supermarket counterparts but it is worth it. The taste has a much more powerful punch than Lawry's so a little bit of this goes a long way.

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